Baby Silas & Conversations with my three year old

Well, baby brother has finally arrived and we are loving him! Silas James was born last week and we are all in the throes of adjusting to life with five, each in our own way. We are keeping a newborn's sleeping schedule and spending lots of time staring at this sweet face. It's noon and
I'm still in jammies as I write and nurse this guy. The girls are watching Wild Kratts, their current favorite,

My now-middle child has a special place in my heart. She's my snuggler. She dips her apples in ketchup and hummus, and is nearly always the last to finish her food at meals. Conversations with a three-year-old can be some of the most entertaining. They're just old enough to express their funny take on the world around them.

Here are a few conversations with this dear soul:

Responding to Daddy's comment about his mother. "You have a MOM!?"


Anna: "Mom, does your name start with four?"


Overheard in the back seat:
[Anna snagging her sister's Ariel doll]
Big Sis: "Anna give me Ariel!"
[Anna licks Ariel's face and then hands her over.]
Big Sis: "Eww! Why did you lick her face?"
Anna: "She needed some lotion."


Anna: "Mom I need your phone because I don't want a paper phone."
Me: "No."
Anna: "Okay."


Anna: "When is the baby coming?"
Me: "After Christmas."
Anna: "But we already have our tree up."
(the concept of a season vs. a special celebration day is confusing to them.)


Hospital greeter/chaplain: "What's your baby's name going to be?"
Anna: "Olaf!"
Greeter: "Can you sing the songs from Frozen?"
Anna: "Watch out for my butt!!"
Greeter: (to me) "You're training them well, I see."


Anna: "Mom I'm hot. Can you turn the fire on?"
Me: "No, not if you're hot."
Anna: "I'm cold."


Me: "Guys we need to pray for our friend Joel to feel better."
Anna: (running upstairs) "Okay I'm going to go to my bed and pray."


Observing Daddy tying my shoes on swolen feet: "That's why your PRE-GA-NENT."

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