A child with an attitude.
A conversation with a teacher, "We had a little problem with so-and-so today. She's normally so good . . ."
A sinful thought that disappoints.
An interrupted nap.
An unresolved relationship that I can't control.
A struggling friend.
An awkward conversation I wish went better.
Worry over what someone might think of something I said.
An ambition not yet fulfilled.
Bad snacking habits (Halloween candy . . . )
These stack up and gradually I feel yucky. And I begin to wonder what's wrong.
But God is training me even now. He whispers, "Think about things that are true" (Philippians 4:8).
God is on His throne.
I live under God's grace.
I am broken, but He is perfect.
Jesus has given me the gift of His perfect life.
I trust Him.
He is good.
HE alone is satisfying.
He is enough.
. . . and ALL is really well, because HE IS.
Until the yuckiness is replaced by peace.
Until the self-focus is replaced with Jesus-focus.
Until the murky faith is replaced with confident coming to Him.

Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Philippians 4:8 is one of the Scripture cards in my printable "EnCourage" set in my shop!
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