give it some grace: FREE printable

In my experience, my capacity to love and forgive in the Spirit of Jesus is way more than I realize! God does amazing thing in my heart when I choose grace and understand His sacrifice for me.

I drew this 5x7" printable to remind you of this truth! Click on the images at the end of this post (choose from pink or blue), and print free for your personal use! Below are pictures of how I've used it in my house.

1. Right click on the image of your choice below and click "open image in new tab"
2. Right click and PRINT or Click the printer settings on your toolbar

To print mine, I cut my cardstock to 5x7 and set my printer settings to 5x7 paper. You can also print on any sized paper (or color/pattern) and then trim! I like lots of white space, but you can even print on pretty scrapbook paper (trimmed to fit in your printer) if you prefer more color.

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