Today was the last day of school for my girls! They've both grown so much this year, and now I'm excited to spend the summer going to the city pool and being off our routine. I also plan to work on a series of watercolor paintings for a First Friday art show at a local shop downtown in August (The Lady Jane if you're local). If I get really productive, I may offer some paintings in the shop, too!

Because of all this, I'll be taking the summer off blogging. In the Fall, I plan to continue the series on anti-racism. I have a few posts in the works about how racism works (the systemic aspect) and another about learning to see my white culture.

In the meantime, I have a little challenge for you, my readers. I'm sensitive to the fact that I'm talking about race as a white woman. I think we all have a place at the table no matter our backgrounds, but I want to take the chance and promote voices of color right now. 

So here's the summer challenge: 

  1. LISTEN TO or READ people of color.
  2. Comment here on the blog or send me an email about what you read/listened to and what you learned!

Daniel Hill, in his book White Awake, recounts a mentor who challenged him with a simple exercise:
"he organized the exercise around four groups of voices: my closest friends, the mentors I looked to for guidance, the preachers/teachers/theologians I relied on for spiritual guidance, and the authors of the books I was reading. The instructions were simple: comprehensively list them. Take note of the cultural backgrounds they represented."
Hill quickly realized that his biggest influences were all white. The same has been true for me most of my life, and it has shaped my culture and how I see both myself and others. My cultural identity then has profound implications for how I follow Jesus!

So, I challenge you to listen to someone who stretches you. I don't mean abandon your convictions. If you embark on reading after people different than you, you'll find you agree with them on some issues and disagree on others. For me, that's okay. I'm learning to be okay with this discomfort that inevitably comes. Practice godly discernment. Return to Scripture. Talk it over with friends, with your church community, with your pastors. Pray and ask God to show you the truth.

I'm going to list a few books and podcasts if you need suggestions (these are affiliate links**). You can comment below with your own suggestions! Also, you can check out a longer list specifically about racism on the anti-racism page here on the blog.


Gay Girl, Good God by Jackie Hill Perry 

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

Hermanas: Deepening Our Identity and Growing Our Influence by Natalia Kohn Rivera, Noemi Vega Quiñones, Kristy Garza Robinson


Truth's Table 
Midwives of Culture for Grace and Truth (built by Black women and for Black women)

Pass the Mic by the Witness
Dynamic Voices For a Diverse Church

United? We Pray by Isaac Adams 
taking churches' racial struggles to the throne


Black Coffee with White Friends by Marcie Walker
"I am usually the only black person in the room. That is what this is, what this blog is all about: me being the only one, most days, in most of the places I go."

Trillia Newbell blog


And just for fun, here's my summer Spotify playlist.

I want to hear what you learn and what you read/listened to! Comment below or send me an email!

Happy Summer! I made a screensaver for you from a recent painting and a favorite Scripture from this season of life. Download it by clicking on the image below.

*I'm so happy for you to enjoy my coloring pages and printables for your personal (not commercial) use! Use for Bible studies, church groups or events, and Sunday school classes are all fine! If you're in doubt, I'm happy to answer any questions. All artwork and photos are copyright Marydean Draws. If you share this, thank you (!), and as a courtesy,  please link back to this post and not the PDF file. 

**affiliate link. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


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  1. After reading your previous posts on race I was challenged to read a biography about someone completely different than me. I read Michelle Obama's book, Becoming. I learned that while I, as a white woman, am aware of race I don't think about it everyday. Obama's book helped me see that Michelle, as a black woman, thinks of race quite often. I am eager to learn more.

    1. This is wonderful!! I really enjoyed Becoming as well. Yes, that's a great observation. We white women don't really have to think of race very often, do we? Thank you so much for taking on the challenge. Let me know what else you read and learn.


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