The JOY source + FREE printable Scripture cards

Marydean Draws Printable Joy Scripture Cards

My mother-in-law asked me to create this joy Scripture card set for a church event recently. We love how they turned out, so we're sharing them with you today!

I love these verses because they remind me of our joy source:
"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit." Psalm 51:12
"Let all who take refuge in you be glad, Let them ever sing for joy." Psalm 5:11
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy; in your right hand there are pleasures forever." Psalm 16:11
"With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." Isaiah 12:3
Marydean Draws Printable Joy Scripture Cards

Marydean Draws Printable Joy Scripture Cards

Marydean Draws Printable Joy Scripture Cards

Did you catch that? Joy is found in God's presence and His salvation. What reliable sources! 

Enjoy these cards! They're great for posting on the refrigerator, slipping in a card to a friend, taping on a mirror, or putting in a frame. To cut in fours, make cuts at the 4.25 and 5.5 inch marks. 

You can download the file HERE!  All my printables are free for your personal use. Please don't re-post the actual file without my permission (but please feel free to link to this post)!

I also have other card sets just like this available in my Etsy shop! You can check out more free printables hereWhat Scripture sets or printables would be helpful for you to have?

If you like this, you can get these posts in your inbox by signing up HERE! You'll also receive occasional news from my Etsy shop.


  1. Hmmm. Maybe a mission of motherhood set? A weariness set? A praise set?

  2. Love your cards! They are so pretty! You have some major talent here! Have you ever considered making some (business card size) that could be handed out to people - as a tool to witness or maybe just to tell that person that God loves them.

  3. Hi Tasha! Nice to "meet" you! I think that's a really cool idea! I'll process what that could look like! Thanks for the suggesting the idea. Mary ❤️‍

  4. Hi Mary Dean
    Your scripture cards are wonderful. Are the verses from the King James version?
    John 3:16 is always a great verse to have. Phillipians 4:13, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 23,Galations 5:2...and of course Corithians 13 The Love chapter. Those are some really great ones. Have you used them?

    1. Hi Shelley! I use a combination of three Bible versions in the public domain: King James Version, World English Bible, and American Standard Version, for copyright purposes if I make the cards for my Etsy shop. I actually have illustrated Philippians 4:13 and some of 1 Corinthians 13--they're part of Scripture sets in my shop. This one: and this one:

  5. Thank you for these. I recently started marking the word JOY in my scriptures. These are delightful!

    1. You're so welcome! I'm delighted you can use them!

  6. Thank you so much for these beautiful scripture cards! I use them in my health ministry to the homeless.

    1. That amazing Patricia!! Blessings on what God has called you to!!

  7. Thank you very much. I love them

  8. Thank you very much. I love them

  9. I can't seem to access the file, is the link still working? Thanks for making these! :)

    1. Hello! I tried the link and I was able to pull it up. Here is the link again:

      Let me know if you aren't able to get it! :)

  10. I love your scripture cards! Thanks for sharing. :) - Lisa

  11. I love these! I made a printable about joy after studying the Hebrew roots of each time the word joy was mentioned in the Bible. It's amazing how often they related to an action word of shouting, dancing, singing etc.

  12. These are beautiful. I will put these on my planner. =) God Bless!

  13. Thank you so much! These are beautiful and I've just printed them for a frame on my classroom desk! :) Thanks again

    1. So glad you could use them Bekka! You're welcome!

  14. Thanks, Mary. I was looking for ideas for my spiritual journal. Your illustrations inspired me!

    1. Hi Cyndie! Glad you found something helpful for your journaling!!

  15. Hi I am new. From Puerto Rico. love Bible Journaling. I love your spanish draw.

    1. Hi Diana from Puerto Rico! So glad you're here!!


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