Printable Good News Story Booklet

We sure need good news in our house. We're experts at sinning and wanting our own way (especially me!). We need rescue. We need for Jesus to work in our hearts through His Spirit. We want to obey God, but we find we're very resistant!

I've been thinking about ways we can share the Good News with our kids--here at home and at church. With my kids, a combination of both art and music have been great tools for helping things to "stick" in our brains.

I also want to share the Goods News story in the context of the larger story of what God is doing and has been doing since creation. So, I've created a couple of resources that might help us do that!

On the blog today, I'm giving away this printable (the link to the file is at the bottom of the post) that includes the following:
  • the Good News Story narrative
  • a blank Good News Story book
  • the Good News story pictures to go along with the narrative
  • discussion questions for the Scriptures referenced
  • ideas for how to use this tool

For my girls, I printed out one blank booklet and one with pictures, cut them into eights, and then stapled them together. As I told them the story using the narrative, my six-year-old drew her own drawings by copying mine. My four-year-old colored half of her pre-printed booklet before running off (she's not much of a "maker"). Afterwards, I asked Sarah to retell the story to me. She's still learning it, but we're starting!


With the verses referenced in the Good News Story booklet, I created a set of printable Scripture cards available as a digital download now in my Etsy shop. Each Scripture has a full-color card, a black and white coloring page, and a discussion question. I plan to use these as part of our Bible time for homeschool this year coming year.

My hope for these resources is that, as we use them, we begin to let God's word make its home in us. Our children/disciples will be given convincing evidence of the truth of these things if they see them lived out daily. Remember that our disciples do what we DO.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16
This week, in celebration of launching this project and in appreciation of my friends and readers, you can use the code GOODNEWS and get 20% off your entire order (good through Wednesday, July 1 and for anything in the shop)! 

You can access to Good News Story booklet and additional resources HERE! As a very friendly reminder, these are free for your personal use. Please don't repost, sell, or alter in any way. If you have a question about using them, let me know!

I hope this is a helpful resource for you disciple-makers out there. Will you let me know how you use yours?  Thanks!

If you like this, you can get these posts in your inbox by signing up HERE! You'll also receive occasional news from my Etsy shop.


  1. This is such a fabulous idea! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing it.

    1. I'm so glad you found it!! You're welcome! I hope it's helpful.

    2. I'm so glad you found it!! You're welcome! I hope it's helpful.

  2. I click the link so I can print it and for some reason it won't load for me. Your others have loaded just fine so far though, not sure what is wrong. Your stuff is so cute and I am loving it!

    1. Hi Michelle! That's funny--I am able to pull it up. Here's the link again below. If you're unable to get it, send me an email (click on the "contact" tab) and I'll send you the file directly!

  3. Thanks, this is so sweet of you to share!!

  4. Thanks Mary! I've shared this with my readers. :)


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