The most real thing

I just finished reading Ted Dekker's novel, Eyes Wide Open. I like his books because they get to the heart of life and, in crazy and sometimes disturbing ways, point to the Gospel. These books always get me thinking.

This book was about a pair of friends stuck in a world of their own imaginings, a world that is very real, and scary. The only way out is to grasp and hold onto a greater reality--of who they really are. It's all about finding identity.

"Life is a cycle of remembering and forgetting," the character Outlaw tells the two protagonists.

I was thinking about this as I fell asleep last night and work up this morning: I must remember what is real. 

There are competing truths constantly spinning me into the cycle of forgetting--what others say about me, what I think others are thinking or saying about me, what I want people to think of me, and what I think I need to be or accomplish.

Kind of a swirling mess of me, right?

But this is what is singing to my heart today: The most real thing today is God's love for us.

It's simple, and I'm letting that sink in today. Where are you today in the cycle of remembering and forgetting who God is, and who you are because of Him?

This has been our homeschool memory verse for the week: "In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John 4:9-10

PS! I added a new print to the shop today! Here it is!

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